My daughter proudly announced that she was running for President of the Student Council. I was so proud. With no second thought or worry, she told me how she would have to speak in front of the entire student body. She seemed oddly comfortable with this. She had already lined up marker wielding campaign staff who were gluing and glittering at mock speed to deliver campaign posters to the school for her support. Her campaign slogan was fitting of a Southern beauty queen and was obviously born out of years of experience in front of a microphone stating her contestant number and decree that she was ..."your Junior Miss, 2007" or 8, 9, 10, or 11. The slogan was pure political brilliance..... "Vote for me (insert perfect photo-shopped head shot) Luv ya!" Nothing more needed to be said. A beautiful girl professing her love for anyone willing to support her dream of being President. She mapped out what she would wear to deliver her speech, which side of her head that she should part her hair on, and the exact color and type of mascara that would make her eyes pop from the stage.
As she set up a marketing department in the kitchen, my son converted the media room into campaign headquarters. Text messages were flying back and forth from cute boys playing all sides of the campaign wanting to know insider secrets about the number of posters completed so they could tell the competition - the other pretty girls. It wasn't good enough to just send text messages and tweets to their friends. A bedspread was tacked to my wall and an instant television studio was set up to stream campaign updates to all 7th grade students. It seemed my child suddenly had a web page with video of her sporting a very cute hair-do and doe eyes that begged anyone who clicked there to vote for her.
Click on the following link for sheer political brilliance:
Allie's Awesome Campaign Video
I suggested that we discuss policies that needed to be reviewed and things that would make the school a better place. She announced that kids should have ice cream at lunch and I explained about USDA and rules that can't be changed, even by the masses. We talked about cell phone usage and school policies on such. We discussed teacher needs and student needs and looked at ways to make things better for all. She showed me another cute way to wear her hair. I again, steered her towards the issues that affect Jr. High students and was proud that my daughter wanted to take the lead for change. It was after all planning was complete and I knew that my child had a firm grasp on her campaign strategies that she asked me the very concerning question....... "What's Student Council?"